My Relationship with Media

My relationship with media has been changing constantly. Currently, I have been trying to ween off social media for my own good in school and time management. It is easy for me to get addicted as I get easily distracted. When I am too distracted to do my homework, I tend to go astray and snap chat my friends or just look at random things on the explore page on Instagram. Because of this, I stay up late during school nights rushing to get my homework done. And sometimes I try to tell myself that I can "multitask" while I do my homework and continue watching my addicting Netflix series on my computer. Wouldn't recommend this strategy to a friend. On the other hand, during this day and age there are a lot of controversial topics and opinions expressed on some social media sites and I choose to try and stay away from that to avoid unnecessary sparks of anger or confusion while reading certain opinions. With other types of media, such as the news, newspapers, and things li...