It's become very obvious of the many issues with social media and media in general. We've watched lots of videos in 0 period to prove it and even though those videos are a little outdated, they contain problems that still exist and more that have manifested into worse things. YouTube is one of the biggest platforms for social media stars to provide content and entertainment for us, the rest of society. This can range anywhere from daily vlogs, posts of creators doing different challenges or games, music videos, songs in general, DIYs, and much much more. This creator, Christian DelGrosso, made one of the best videos I've seen that accurately describes everything wrong with certain problems in social media. Don't mind the title though, because it may seem like clickbait or like he's going to expose him or something but he mainly talks about the media on YouTube. The video is 16 minutes long but trust me, it is worth the watch.


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